SU - 20 (12 + 8)
M - 18 (10 + 8, tempos)
T - 16 (8 + 8)
W - 23 (15 tempo + 8)
TH - 17 (9 + 8)
F - 20 (10 + 10)
SA - 23 (15 steady + 8)
My body is rock solid and recovering very quickly. My work outs this week were good and honest efforts, followed by honest to goodness easy days. The easy days were still run at moderate pace, but were truly enjoyable and effortless. My routine is becoming second nature and it is getting easier and easier to run with the consistency that I am used to. My chocolate milk intake has leveled off at two 1/2 pints a day. Love it.
Life experience/training:
SU - A great day at church, resting and relaxing.
M - Hmmm, don't remember, but a good day.
T - Ran the health rocks enrichment with the kids. Had a really good time singing with them and talking about making healthy choices, specifically, staying away from tobacco products.
W - Running club was great. I am becoming more consistent and confident in my discipline meting. The kids are respecting me and we are all having a great time laughing and training together. A lesson I learned this week... drop expectations on kids, treat them indifferently. Mete out discipline in a strictly objective, non-emotional way, regardless of the history of the kids. In this way, the troubled kids begin to see that they are not inherently bad kids, they just make bad choices from time to time and reap the consequences linked to that misbehavior. The boys that I was having trouble with have begun to recognize that they can be successful if they do not deviate from what is expected from them (in my case, very high regards and expectations of excellence with a standard, objective set of discipline standards).
TH - Gave a presentation on bullfighting to the fourth grade class. Went really well. The lesson reaffirmed my love and feeling of natural deliverance from teaching elem. kids.
F - Good day, tied up some loose ends with a few projects. Had a great cocktail hour with Don after work. As usual, the man provided some great spiritual insight into future decisions and present issues that I am dealing with.
SA - Nice and easy, laid-back day. Just doing what I need to. No worries. Love it.
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