Friday, June 12, 2009


Well, it seems that things have hit a head with my right knee. After several weeks of consistent strengthening exercises and a three week running break, nothing has changed. I went out for a jog today to see how everything was firing; my right knee has the same strange alignment problem and grinds out to the right, stiffening on occasion, and eventually hardening to a point that I am forced to walk. Shoot. Whatever though. Stuff happens. I still love running and am very saddened by the current state of affairs. The choice comes down to medical/physical therapy treatment now and risk the chance of not having enough cash for my move to Missoula (first/last month's rent and security deposit) or use my current funds to foot the move and forgo treatment until I am financially sound again, say late fall (meaning no running or fall races this year). It really isn't a choice. The answer is obvious. A place to live is necessary, running is not. Who knows how much the bill will just for a diagnosis. Which probably sounds silly to most folks. But, truth be told, I am poor and even a screening could put me on the brink of financial ruin, what with my move to Missoula and all. Anyways, no regrets here. This is the way it is. I am still a young buck, plenty of years to get my leg fixed and get back to one of things I love. For now? Long walks and strength training cardio circuits.

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