Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mid-week Long'n

This is shaping up to be a pretty good running week. 18 easy miles yesterday (9+9).

A sweet 17 miler in the hills this morning. It was cold, well below zero (but no wind, thanks be to God!). Wednesdays, my mid-week long run day, I have started coming to work earlier to make more space for a long run mid-morning. This has been working out really well. I get to run some awesome terrain - both training-wise and aestetically - and I get to sleep in! Best of all, my boss encourages it. Game on. So I went out for a steady paced (moderate to hard effort) 17 miler this morning... same route as last Wed. Most of my miles were around 7 minute pace with a few a bit faster and a couple slower. Felt like a monster on the hills, that is to say, the hills with a significant grade (the first 8 miles are slightly inclined, but hardly noticable). I would have put in a few more miles had I the time. Before I go home, thanks to DST, I will put in a nice and easy 4-5 miler to loosen up.

Running club today! I have 15 kids now 3-6th grade that are enjoying running, now twice a week. Our first race is at the end of April.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to say, your running club rocks! What a blessing you are to your students! Keep up the Good Work.