Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon

Well, I am in. It is official. I am going to Mexico in March to run the Coppery Canyon Ultra Marathon with the Tarahumara. Gringos vs. Raramuri. The logistics of the travel have to be hammered out, but my application has been accepted for the race and one of my dreams is on the cusp of being fully realized. The race is March 7th. 47 miles of running through a network of canyon and chasms with some of the greatest long distance runners in the world. I am stoked. Training-wise, the beginning of March could not be a better time. My newest regime has my fitness peaking towards the end of Feb. Yeehaw.


Justin Mock said...

Very cool.

You going for the win or will you race barefoot and enjoy the experience? Or run barefoot and still go for the win?

Brian Christianson said...
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Brian Christianson said...

I am very excited. You are racing London in the Spring, right? I am excited to read about your experience there. My plan at the CCUM is to run the best that I can(shod) while enjoying the experience and beauty of the place. How competitive that makes me, I am not sure. Essentially, I started from scratch with my training at the end of Oct. I am excited to see what I can do on a controlled, high-volume cross-training regime.

Justin Mock said...

Yeah, London for me in April. Really want to get under 2:30. After a few months of "goof-off training," I'm just upping the mileage and giving training some focus now too, for the next several months in a row hopefully.

CCUM should be a lot of fun. I wonder if the popularity of it will increase with Born To Run.