Thursday, May 28, 2009

Making it

I have to toot my own horn here. I am making it. I am proud to say that I have not run a step in nearly a week. I am regaining my self-control. I did not realize how beaten down my body was until I started resting. My body is recovering, slowly but surely. Without question, running, at all, right now, would do more harm than good. So walks it is. I love it. Wow. I love running. But I also love not running. I will be able to fully enjoy my love, once again, when my body is in 100% fighting shape. So, for now, I love not running. I am making it.

This is another nerdy running thing, but I played around with my monthly miles over the last 16 months and found a block that I hit just over 6000 miles in 365 consecutive days;

- 16.4 mile daily average
- 55.5 miles/highest day
- 3 miles/lowest day

1 comment:

Deane Christianson said...

Good for you Brian... I knew you were making it!