Thursday, November 5, 2009

I am a runner

My podiatrist gave me the go ahead to begin running again. Yesterday, I jogged out a 3 miler. It was glorious. I took it nice and slow and had no problems with the foot. I will begin doing this every other day for a couple of weeks and begin to build longer runs into the every other day cycle. Also, yesterday, after work, I co-led a little running group of 2nd and 3rd graders at an area afterschool program. This program is to become a staple of my life. It was a blast. It is so great to be running and serving again. I had nearly forgotten what joy I get from both. Yeehaw!

SA: 28/bike
SU: 33/bike
M: 28/bike (hard effort)
TU: 34/bike
W: 31/bike (high cadence) 3/jog

I hope that everyone is having a great week.

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