Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sweet Friday Afoot

Ran a really clean, fluid, fun and pain-free moderately-paced 14 miler yesterday out in the country. It was great. The first 6 miles were slightly uphill against a pretty strong headwind, so I bided my time and sat back on an easy/moderate pace, anticipating the slightly downhill return with a strong tailwind. I begin pushing the pace a bit at about 5 miles as I entered into a narrowed, sheltered valley - free of wind -, I felt so good cruising up that last bit of increasing incline. After the turnaround at 6 miles, I put her on auto-pilot at a really comfortable moderate pace (7:00 pace or so). Rode the wind effortlessly for the 6 miles back. My stride is lengthening again as my legs are coming around, loosening up. I focused on keeping my movement as forward as possible, minimizing any unnecessary vertical motions afoot. I was feeling so good coming back into the school area that I extended the workout portion of my run another mile, pushing it a bit harder for that final mile. Cooled down for a mile. 

I love losing myself in activity, forgetting about time, mileage, worries, fears, whatever, just doing something in the moment and loving it. That is what yesterdays run was for me. My legs are coming around again and I am so thankful. I would say that I am at about 80% of full strength. Today, I am going to go jog around for a couple of hours really slowly. Just go out and enjoy the day. 

Had a great week at work, losing myself in that too, at times. I am putting together a presentation to deliver at a VISTA conference mid-April. Random inclusion, but it just popped into my mind. 

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