Saturday, April 11, 2009

Week Wrap-up

Well, I am doing running for the day. Last night I was pretty set on putting in another 20 mile day today, but opted for an easy/moderate 5-6 miler on the treadmill at Gold's Gym. Decided to let my body recover a bit more to set me up for a strong week. Honestly, it is nice to have a day every now and again where I don't have to eat all the time. Here it is:

SU: 6 hard tempo+12 easy (18)
M: 13 moderate/hard (13)
T: 11+8, easy (19)
W: 8 moderate+13 easy (21)
TH: 13 build (13)
F: 16 easy (16)
S: 5.5 moderate (5.5)

Total: 105.5, what the heck, 106

After much thought, I have made the decision to forgo TNFE 50 miler in WA in June. Financially, I just can't swing it and while taking inventory of my current shape, I am not sure that I will be in a good place to run hard then. In short, it wouldn't be worth the expenses. Instead, I have decided to keep it in MT this summer. 30K in May, 50K in June, Marathon in July, 50 miler in August. Wooo, I am at peace with this. 

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